
Pre- & Post- Procedures Kit

Environ is scientifically proven to help prepare the skin for medical procedures. By preparing the skin with topical Vitamin A, C and antioxidants, we can help ensure that the skin benefits from accelerated healing, less down time, and lower risk for pigmentation and scarring. Post operatively, it is just as important to continue to nourish your skin as this will augment your results and help create a beautiful result from your procedure. Choosing the track will depend on the time allotted to prepare your skin. If you have a short window and a time frame of approximately 3 weeks, the Accelerated Kit will be chosen. This will give you high doses of vitamin A and C, in a jojoba oil base, perfect for getting the skins stores of these crucial ingredients contributing to the success of your procedure, elevated in a hurry, but reducing the risk of a retinoid reaction. If a longer time period is allotted prior to your procedure, and your skin is not sensitive, moving through the step up program offered by the Fast Track, will allow a more gradual acclimation to the essential ingredients, while simultaneously bringing your skin into radiance. If time is not of a concern and you are preparing your skin for future procedures gradually, especially when skin sensitivity is a concern, the Normal Kit would allow you to increase the dosages of essential ingredients slowly, allowing your skin to acclimate, on a sure but steady path.

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