
The Environ® Product Formula

Environ® Skin Care ingredients and procedures do not destroy the integrity of the epidermis. They are developed and formulated to help achieve maximum effectiveness of vitamins, peptides and other proven ingredients to achieve the appearance of a healthy and beautiful skin.

  • Environ Uses Only the Finest Ingredients
    • Non-fragranced, non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic, colorant free
    • No animal testing
    • Extensive clinical testing for safety and effectiveness
    • Highest quality pharmaceutical grade
    • All ingredients are tested for effectiveness, safety and purity by independent laboratories
    • Never compromised by marketing trends
    • Scientific principles underlie the action of all ingredients
    • High concentration of the most efficacious ingredients
  • Our Exclusive Step-Up System
    • Product line is based on varying intensities and levels of ingredients to ensure that the patient’s skin adapts in a healthy and safe manner
    • Diminishes chances of retinoid and other reactions
    • A comprehensive “tool box” of formulations and treatments to meet individualized skin types and lifestyles
  • Environ Packaging & Shelf Life
    • Protective packaging prevents light, air and bacteria from degrading formulations
    • Ensures that all ingredients retain their efficacy
    • Shelf life is printed on inside and outside packaging to guarantee freshness and effectiveness
    • Ingredients are listed on inside and outside packaging
  • Manufacturing Standards
    • One of only a few companies in the world with their own dedicated manufacturing facility
    • Maximum effectiveness of formulations is maintained by prevention of exposure to light, heat, and air
    • All products are tested by three independent, certified facilities for biochemistry, microbiology and vitamin efficacy levels
    • Environ products meet the highest standards and are registered with regulatory agencies around the world

The Environ® Skin Care Solution

The Environ® Skin Care range is effective for the face and body because it incorporates a multi-pronged attack to help with the appearance of aging skin and photo damage.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is the "skin vitamin" essential to all skin care regimens. It is used in the form of retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate, retinol and beta-carotene to help photo-damage by improving the appearance of a finer, more hydrated, and even toned skin. One must first acclimate the skin to the lower levels of vitamin A before moving on to the higher dose products.

Vitamin C

Intensive vitamin C helps to play an important role in the appearance of a smoother, firmer and more even toned skin. Environ® has pioneered the use of a stabilized, gentle and highly efficacious, fat soluble form of vitamin C.


Natural antioxidant vitamins C, E, B5 and beta-carotene.


Polypeptides such as Dermaxyl®, Matrixyl® and Argireline® have been scientifically proven to be effective in assisting to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Working in synergy with vitamins A, C and E, they help to increase the appearance of a firmer, more hydrated skin.

Niacinamide and Sepiwhite MSHTM

Assists with the appearance of uneven skin tone.

Sun care

Contains titanium dioxide and antioxidant vitamins.


Contains pro-vitamin B5.


This ingredient helps to create the appearance of a firmer, more youthful skin.

AHAs and BHAs

Alpha and beta hydroxy acids assists with exfoliating and helping with the appearance of healthy skin.

Peeling System

The unique advanced Environ® Cool Peel System (TCA and lactic acid) are safe and comfortable exfoliating agents to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and uneven skin tone.


Professional Intensive products provide optimal results in the physician's office or medical spa.

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